A collection of 15 issues
PT Crab #28 - Hop Tests Get a Poor Score, CPGs for TBIs, Idiopathic Toe Walking vs. CP, and a New Test for Stroke Discharge
PT Crab #28 Blue Crab Edition - Hop Tests Don’t Work, Sorry! And How to Treat Concussion
This week, we got hops and brain injuries, so that’s something. We’ve also got a
stats update down below and an exhortation to attend CSM, it’s really great!
(And no one’s paying me to say that). In fact, since this year’s CSM is virtual,
Issue 13 Blue Crab Edition - Those Lying Researchers, How to Thrust the Hip, and Life with Concussion
98% of Researchers Are Liars.
The Gist - This unsettling piece from the Archives of PM&R covers the spin found
in journal abstracts and what we should be doing about it. Just like I spun that
headline to make this way more dramatic, 98% of low back pain trial