A collection of 92 issues
🦀 PT Crab Issue 65 - Stop being an expert
This week in PT Crab, we’ve reverted a bit by presenting a paper that deals with
our outpatient ortho sweet spot, but one that doesn’t as well. We’re looking
into practice patterns around IASTM (and they’re very diverse) and how to stop
being an expert and
🦀 PT Crab Issue 65 - Stop being an expert.
🦀 PT Crab Issue 64 - Of Pelvis and Fear.
🦀 PT Crab Issue 63 - Don’t Reassure Your Patients
🦀 PT Crab Issue 63 - Don’t Reassure Your Patients
Heck of a subject line, huh? And it’s hyperbolic, obviously. But this edition
does indeed include an argument for it. We’ve also got notes on using FitBits
for rehab. King Crab members (my supporters, thanks!) also received tips on how
to prevent PFJ pain when lunging (take it
🦀 PT Crab Issue 62 - Polio and Racism. A Heavy Hitter.
This week, we’re looking into the history of physical therapy and how polio
cemented the profession in the early 1900s and an analysis of racial disparities
in TKA rehab. Our King Crab supporters received two more articles this week, one
about BFR use in COPD rehab and another about
🦀 PT Crab Issue 62 - Where would we be without polio?
🦀 Issue 57 - Can you draw a spinal curve? Prove it.
Have you ever searched for physical therapy on Giphy? I don’t recommend it
unless you’re looking for an ironic laugh. It’s not a happy place. BUT I did
find one that fits what we’ve got today, it’s about spinal shape from Dr. Susie
G, a
🦀 Issue 56 Blue - Psych-RTS and Colonel Vogel
Howdy ya’ll! Welcome to August, a time of angst amongst many as we all go back
to school or send our kids that way. Want to alleviate some of that? I’ve got
another podcast for you! (Hey, I listen to a lot, don’t judge) This one’s