A collection of 19 issues
🦀 Issue 56 - Who was Colonel Vogel?
Howdy ya’ll! Welcome to August, a time of angst amongst many as we all prepare
to go back to school or send our kids that way. Want to alleviate some of that?
I’ve got another podcast for you! (Hey, I listen to a lot, don’t judge) This
Issue 31 - The Running Issue
Issue 31 Blue Crab Edition - The Running Issue
It’s the running issue! Do you outpatient PTs have a bunch of injured runners
crowding your waiting rooms? I’m not surprised. Running and other types of
outdoor exercise are way up, and so are running-related injuries. Good for them
for doing the safe thing and getting out of
Issue 25 Blue Crab Edition - How Shoulder Mobes Change Muscle Activity and Where to Dry Needle for PFP Pain
Merry Christmas and happy everything else this week! I hope you’re reading this
on a day off around the holidays, and express my condolences if you’re not. I
know PTs often aren’t appreciated as essential and don’t get credit for working
holidays like physicians, nurses, and
PT Crab Issue 25 - How Shoulder Mobes Change Muscle Activity, Where to Dry Needle for PFP Pain, Why You Should Sleep More, and iPads for Hand Therapy (Again)
Issue 16 Blue Crab Edition - Pain Maps for Patellar Tendinopathy and Racial Trauma in Rehab Medicine
A Single Leg Squat Can (Possibly) Identify Patellar Tendinopathy
The Gist - This research, from a collection of PhDs from Queensland, Australia,
presents a new method for early detection of patellar tendinopathy, pain maps.
The researchers gathered 57 teenage volleyball players and had them perform
single-leg decline squats, then indicate