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🦀 PT Crab Issue 94 - Help Early, Help More
Did I choose that title because it rhymed? Yes, yes I did. And I’m not ashamed.
Sorry we’re late this week, it’s finals here at VCU and another semester has
mercifully finished. Unmercifully, it did a number on my brain. I recommend not
buying a house while
🦀 PT Crab Issue 93 - Fall, Sit, Squat.
🦀 PT Crab Issue 93 - Fall, Sit, Squat.
Hey y’all. I just want to say, May the 4th be with you, and that I’m finally
getting caught up on the Star Wars movies. I’ve heard a lot of salty takes on
the most recent three and they have their flaws (I hate angsty stuff and
🦀 PT Crab Issue 92 - What has changed?
🦀 PT Crab Issue 92 - What has changed?
I spent 40 of the first 42 hours of the week not sleeping as my wife spent three
days in the hospital with quite the mysterious bacterial infection. I was
suffering from a much milder version of the same. The kicker? The GI doc
speculates that it came from contaminated
🦀 PT Crab Issue 91 - What you don’t know can hurt others.
🦀 PT Crab Issue 91 - What you don’t know can hurt others.
This week, we’re talking about RED-S and OSD. King Crab supporters got two more
articles this week, one about DITA, and another on the ACAPT. Become a supporter
[] for
those articles, access to the archive, and more. It’s an acronym heavy
🦀 PT Crab Issue 90 - CBD for you and me.
🦀 PT Crab Issue 90 - CBD for you and me.
This week we’ve got some revelations about what we don’t know and the stats on
just who is using CBD (in Arizona, but still, it’s the best we have). Supporters
got one more article this week, about what patients really think of their ACLR
rehab. Become a