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🦀 PT Crab Issue 64 - Of Pelvis and Fear.
🦀 PT Crab Issue 64 - Of Pelvis and Fear.
Welcome to a diverse issue of PT Crab and I think the first one that doesn’t
really have an article for outpatient PT. Wow. Instead, we have some tangential
ones for you, including one about predicting disability after childbirth, and
another on vastus medialis. Our King Crab supporters got
🦀 PT Crab Issue 63 - Don’t Reassure Your Patients
🦀 PT Crab Issue 63 - Don’t Reassure Your Patients
Heck of a subject line, huh? And it’s hyperbolic, obviously. But this edition
does indeed include an argument for it. We’ve also got notes on using FitBits
for rehab. King Crab members (my supporters, thanks!) also received tips on how
to prevent PFJ pain when lunging (take it
🦀 PT Crab Issue 62 - Polio and Racism. A Heavy Hitter.
This week, we’re looking into the history of physical therapy and how polio
cemented the profession in the early 1900s and an analysis of racial disparities
in TKA rehab. Our King Crab supporters received two more articles this week, one
about BFR use in COPD rehab and another about
🦀 PT Crab Issue 62 - Where would we be without polio?
🦀 PT Crab Issue 61 - Take BP. Do it. Do it now.
Like seriously, take your patients’ BPs. If you’re not down with this now, you
will be after reading today’s second article. Also, Paul Geisler knows what
really causes IT Band pain syndrome and soon you will too.
If you’re interested in all PT Crab has to offer
🦀 PT Crab Issue 61 - Covid hasn’t been that bad? For PTs.
🦀 Issue 60 - Pound that Treadmill.
Welcome to this week's PT Crab where we're happy to have you! This week, we're
talking about sit to stand workstations for pain prevention and how treadmills
pound you. Our King Crab supporters got two more articles, one on how to get
your own clinic off the ground and a