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Issue 16 Blue Crab Edition - Pain Maps for Patellar Tendinopathy and Racial Trauma in Rehab Medicine
A Single Leg Squat Can (Possibly) Identify Patellar Tendinopathy
The Gist - This research, from a collection of PhDs from Queensland, Australia,
presents a new method for early detection of patellar tendinopathy, pain maps.
The researchers gathered 57 teenage volleyball players and had them perform
single-leg decline squats, then indicate
Issue 16 - Pain Maps for Patellar Tendinopathy, Electric Dry Needling for Subacromial Pain Syndrome, Racial Trauma in Rehab Medicine, and High Intensity SNFs
Issue 14 Blue Crab Edition - Unconventional Parkinson’s and Kinesio Tape for Levator Scap Pain
Dancing and Swimming for PD Work Pretty Well
The Gist - This new review from the Journal of Clinical Medicine looks at the
data behind unconventional approaches to PD treatment to see what extra gains we
can get by using dance or aquatic therapy to treat this disease. The researchers
Issue 15 Blue Crab Edition - How Dirty is Your Clinic? And What To Use to Detect Carpal Tunnel
Everything in Your Clinic is Covered in Germs. Just Some Are More Gross Than
The Gist - This off-putting, but needed analysis from the Archives of PM&R
details how bacteria-ridden a PT clinic is and where they’re hanging out. Got a
biofilm on your balance boards? Probably.
Issue 15 - How Dirty is Your Clinic? Walking after Covid-19, Carpal Tunnel Dx, and Early Exercise for Pelvic Floor Repair
Sample Issue - PT Beats Glucocorticoids, Why You Should Be Checking BP, Dry Needling vs. Ischemic Compression, and KT for Back Pain
We open with a short paper about PT vs. Glucocorticoids for Knee OA where PT
wins in the long term, move onto a wonderful piece about why you should be
checking BP in PT clinics (and how to do it properly), feature a tight contest
between dry needling and ischemic
Issue 13 Blue Crab Edition - Those Lying Researchers, How to Thrust the Hip, and Life with Concussion
98% of Researchers Are Liars.
The Gist - This unsettling piece from the Archives of PM&R covers the spin found
in journal abstracts and what we should be doing about it. Just like I spun that
headline to make this way more dramatic, 98% of low back pain trial
Issue 14 - Unconventional Parkinson’s, Knee Pain Kinematics, Kinesio Tape for Levator Scap Pain, and Do Students Make Clinicians Worse?
Issue 12 Blue Crab Edition- Why You Should Be Checking BP and KT for Back Pain
Please Check Your Patient’s BPs. Here’s Why and How.
The Gist - This exhortative article comes from PTJ and begs you to take a BP
screening if you’re an outpatient therapist. The authors go through a ton of
detail and arguments about why this is important and