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🦀 PT Crab Issue 75 - Ride that Tiger
This week it’s a tiger two-fer, with an article actually titled “Riding a Tiger”
that’s about manual therapy for pelvic pain and another one about the physical
therapy services that were provided at the South Korean Winter Olympic Games
(the Korean Peninsula has a tiger-shaped legend to it)
🦀 PT Crab Issue 74 - Advice? Yeah, nah.
This week in PT Crab we’re talking about how advice helps! But only a little bit
in people with non-specific spinal pain. I’m sure you’re not giving advice-only
treatment but if you are, maybe rethink your decisions? The paper’s got more
than that, so read on
🦀 PT Crab Issue 74 - Advice? Yeah, nah.
This week in PT Crab we’re talking about how advice helps! But only a little bit
in people with non-specific spinal pain. I’m sure you’re not giving advice-only
treatment but if you are, maybe rethink your decisions? The paper’s got more
than that, so read on
🦀 PT Crab Issue 73 - The Walk and Talk
🦀 PT Crab Issue 73 - The Walk and Talk
A walk and talk is a television classic, thanks Aaron Sorkin and The West Wing.
I imagine most of you are too young for the show (and, unfortunately, it doesn’t
really hold up) but trust me, it has influenced a lot about how we watch TV.
Most of you
🦀 PT Crab Issue 72 - A recap
It’s finals week over at VCU and I just don’t have the gumption to pull together
a brand new edition of PT Crab this week. Did you not know I’m a student? Well
yea, I’m a student. A better organized student may have written this email
🦀 PT Crab Issue 71 - Demography Decides. For Knee OA.
🦀 PT Crab Issue 71 - Demography Decides. For Knee OA.
Hello and welcome to PT Crab Issue 71, where I have one important question. Are
you going to CSM in February? If so, respond to this email and tell me so! ✉️
🦀 PT Crab Issue 70 - Upright No.
This week, we find out the Upright Go may not be the best thing for people with
PD (though it’s not useless either), that backward walking reserve speed isn’t
the best measure of fall risk, what it’s like to have a hip replacement as a
Physio (they’